Download the new version for ios Cat Condo
Download the new version for ios Cat Condo

I walked into this game with that expectation, and it hasn’t bothered me one bit. These sort of games, where progress simply takes time, always progress slower the further you get if you don’t pay for something with real life currency. I love cats like seariously I used to be called the crazy cat lady as a six year old I’m eleven and still liven the cat loving life when I saw this game I was oh! My goodness !! They look really cute and I like how they look Japanese!! I’m in love with the Japanese culture so when I saw this it was another thing to add to my list!! I love the way all the cats look I just got this game to day and I’ve already gotten the exotic short hare that’s how much I love this game !! The is one thing that’s I little hard for me the time you have to put into it I just don’t have that kinda time is there any way you could like make it so the crates will update by using the coins you earn ? Like when you tap on the crate it gives you a kitty cat the when you merge it it gives you a kitten well it would be nice if you could update it but it took a lot of coins so people didn’t constantly update it you know so when you tap on it it gives you like a kitten update is again it gives you a sneaky cat and so on thank you for making this game please make more like it!! ❤️❤️❤️Īs a true cat and cat game enthusiast, I have enjoyed logging into this game periodically each day for over a week now. You do not need to make any in-app purchases to unlock all the cats, and there is no pressure.

download the new version for ios Cat Condo

Heck, I have TWO of the Level 40 cats! No money spent at all. I have completed the entire collection of cats with no problem in about two weeks, simply by being patient. Personally, I don't understand why some people are whining and complaining. Either rename him "Calico", or fix his tail.)

download the new version for ios Cat Condo

I hope an update will add more fantastical cats so we can continue the game! I found this game very relaxing and cute, with a few well-placed references to Neko Atsume, and awesome mystical/mythological kitties! Please, keep up the good work, developers! I hope you will update soon! (Also, please do fix the Japanese Bobtail - he's just a calico cat with a normal long tail. It was exciting to unlock each new cat! The designs of the cats are terrific! The only sad thing is that I have unlocked all of them, and there are no more to unlock. Being a major cat enthusiast, I very much enjoy this little cat-merging game that is truly Free-to-Play.

Download the new version for ios Cat Condo